Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Essay on Sports Sponsorship

The main reason for companies to invest into professional sports is because many minds of sports have a certain desirable image or the athlete / player is an idol for the people. The identification with the athletes / players is strong, they are role models for the spectators and younger generations. The Investors hope that when people see the athlete they also think of the product features and vice versa. Later If the target group goes into a shop, they see the product and remember the connection. Maybe they even buy the product.It is very important that the image of the product and the image of the athlete correspond to each other. Therefore, it is impossible in Germany that a football player would promote red lipstick. If a company needs a new or better image for itself or for a product, they often sponsor a sports club or an athlete. The German company Siemens sponsors Real Madrid because Real Madras's team Is supposed to be modern and excellent at what they do, an Image that Sie mens wishes to imply for their own company.Another reason for sports sponsorship can be the introduction of a new and still unknown product or that the company itself is still new and unknown. Therefore, the company tries to gain attention by advertising with sport events or athletes. In the sass Commodore was a pompons for the 1 . FCC Brayer Munched, because nobody knew Commodore and they gained public attention with their commitment.. But some sponsors work with little clubs to be closer to their customers. For example insurance companies are interested in the direct contact with the people.They want to sell their products. It is not important for small and regional companies to sponsor a big club. They need a little club in their area / district for success. Every company needs their own sponsor concept for success and content clients. What can be done for a sponsor at a Volleyball event.. Where and how can a sponsor show his logo or product? You have some areas for the sponsors banner, flags, flying banner etc. : o I v areas (ten Title, Press room, sponsor wall) o spectator areas (Like entry, the hall †¦. O Press areas (like the press room, the press conference†¦. ) o VII area (for the sponsors, important people †¦.. ) – It is possible to give â€Å"give sways†, papers and programs for the spectators or VISP with the sponsor logo or information. – Sometimes the sponsor have an area for information or a booth.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Prison Overcrowding

This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. It will discuss how funding plays a role in overcrowding as well as the â€Å"three strikes† rule in California and how big of an impact it has made on the prison system.Lastly, society’s choice to vote will be touched on as how large of a determining factor it is in overcrowding prisons. State and Federal Prisons housed approximately 1. 3 million inmates in the year 2000, not to mention the jails had an estimate of 600,000 as well. Ten years previous the prisons housed 700,000 inmates and jails were at about 400,000. At that rate, the population of people being incarcerated almost doubled from 1. 1 million to 1. 9 million inmates. The last count in 2008 jumped again to an astonishing 2. million imprisoned within the country (Diiulio, Jr. , J. , 2010, March). Factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding is that so many people are incarcerated each year, funding, upkeep of a facility, the three strikes rule and tax payers are unwilling to pass levees. One of the largest reasons prisons are overcrowded today is that it is reported that one out of every 99. 1 adults are currently in prison or jail. This is the largest number in nation’s history and seven times the inmate rate from 1973.Amazingly ninety-five percent of prisoners are released back into communities to continue living their lives. They are not thrown to the wolves; they are released â€Å"with a basic education, job training and preparation, improved pro-social pattern of thinking, adequate life/social skills, and a lowered risk for substance abuse, anger and self esteem issues† (Boehm, D. P . , & Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). If an inmate needs continued treatment once released, they are provided the assistance and resources to make the transition as successful as possible.Even when a prisoner was on a psychotic medication when released they are hooked up with a regional mental health and substance abuse center to make their reentry as flourishing (Boehm, D. P. , & Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). At 157 percent capacity, San Quintin State Prison, a maximum security prison is no doubt overcrowded and it costs about $49,000 each year for an adult inmate to be housed in the San Quintin State Prison (Sterngold, J. , 2008, July/August). Taxpayers are unwilling to pass levees to build facilities to house prisoners which lead to an overcrowding prison.The criminal justice system needs to have stronger sentences for crimes to deter people from offending to begin with and not release inmates early due to overcrowding. Inmates are being released early because there are not e nough beds to hold all of the criminals. In the end it leads to a higher crime rate because the inmate’s count of being released early and they are not being reformed. A way to reduce funding problems is to have inmates take care of their own facilities like they would their homes.Cleaning supplies can be handed to the inmates and it can be their job to clean the showers. It should not be the responsibility of the prison staff to keep the facility clean, the inmates should be given duties and be held accountable or forced to live in the conditions they allow for themselves. Funds should not be taken from the taxpayers to pay someone to clean up after the inmates, the taxpayers’ funds could be used for security and building to prevent additional overcrowding. The problem with many jails and prisons today is the upkeep.Most facilities today do not have the funding to build a brand new facility but what needs to happen is to make the additions and upgrades more efficient. Replacing a furnace or air conditioning system for a place a huge as a prison could be extremely time consuming and expensive especially if the newer model is not the most efficient and then has to be replaced again and again prematurely. The best way to spend the taxpayers’ money is to buy the most energy efficient and best model and not replace it as often. As the age old saying, â€Å"you get what you pay for. The same goes for other materials when doing an addition or fixing an existing structure, the administrators need to take the time to research and see what the best materials are for longevity and spend money wisely (Lucas, R. , 2009, November/December).As Robert Lucas (2009) said, â€Å"Money spent well at the beginning of a project may save the facility from spending more in the future. † Like California, many other states have the â€Å"three strikes† rule and one of every nine of the inmates who are on their third strike get 25 to life sentence (H aerens, M. , 2010, May 15). This rule contributes to the vercrowding issue which an individual is taking up more space in jails and prisons. For example, if a person is charged three times with felony drug trafficking and is convicted that would be the third offence and would serve twenty-five year to life in jail. A violent offender, like a murderer, could that the place of that individual and rot in jail and make the community safer, it is the lesser of two evils. There are many factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding, funding, upkeep, three strikes rule, taxpayers not wanting to pass levees and the fact that so many people each year are incarcerated.Funding can be redirected if the upgrades were made more efficiently around the prisons. To help save money, inmates can do daily duties and have responsibilities around the prison and jail grounds. The three strikes rule needs to be revised to focus on violent crimes. Tax payers need to stop complaining about criminal s in the community unless they are willing to pass the levees to build jails and prisons to lessen the likelihood of overcrowding.References Boehm, D. P. , & Lampert, R. O. (2008, October). Thinking Outside the Cell: Expanding Safety and Security Beyond the Perimeter. Corrections Today, 70 (5). p. 4-61, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Diiulio, Jr. , J. (2010, March). Prison Breakout. America,202 (6). p. 11, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Haerens, M. (2010, May 15). California’s â€Å"Three Strikes† Law Is Fair. † Opposing Viewpoints: Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Lucas, R. (2009, November/December). To Build or Not To Build? American Jails,23 (5). p. 4&93, Retrieved from Criminal Justice Periodicals Index Resource Center. Sterngold, J. (2008, July/August). Worst of the Worst. Mother Jones, 33 (4). Prison Overcrowding This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. It will discuss how funding plays a role in overcrowding as well as the â€Å"three strikes† rule in California and how big of an impact it has made on the prison system.Lastly, society’s choice to vote will be touched on as how large of a determining factor it is in overcrowding prisons. State and Federal Prisons housed approximately 1. 3 million inmates in the year 2000, not to mention the jails had an estimate of 600,000 as well. Ten years previous the prisons housed 700,000 inmates and jails were at about 400,000. At that rate, the population of people being incarcerated almost doubled from 1. 1 million to 1. 9 million inmates. The last count in 2008 jumped again to an astonishing 2. million imprisoned within the country (Diiulio, Jr. , J. , 2010, March). Factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding is that so many people are incarcerated each year, funding, upkeep of a facility, the three strikes rule and tax payers are unwilling to pass levees. One of the largest reasons prisons are overcrowded today is that it is reported that one out of every 99. 1 adults are currently in prison or jail. This is the largest number in nation’s history and seven times the inmate rate from 1973.Amazingly ninety-five percent of prisoners are released back into communities to continue living their lives. They are not thrown to the wolves; they are released â€Å"with a basic education, job training and preparation, improved pro-social pattern of thinking, adequate life/social skills, and a lowered risk for substance abuse, anger and self esteem issues† (Boehm, D. P . , & Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). If an inmate needs continued treatment once released, they are provided the assistance and resources to make the transition as successful as possible.Even when a prisoner was on a psychotic medication when released they are hooked up with a regional mental health and substance abuse center to make their reentry as flourishing (Boehm, D. P. , & Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). At 157 percent capacity, San Quintin State Prison, a maximum security prison is no doubt overcrowded and it costs about $49,000 each year for an adult inmate to be housed in the San Quintin State Prison (Sterngold, J. , 2008, July/August). Taxpayers are unwilling to pass levees to build facilities to house prisoners which lead to an overcrowding prison.The criminal justice system needs to have stronger sentences for crimes to deter people from offending to begin with and not release inmates early due to overcrowding. Inmates are being released early because there are not e nough beds to hold all of the criminals. In the end it leads to a higher crime rate because the inmate’s count of being released early and they are not being reformed. A way to reduce funding problems is to have inmates take care of their own facilities like they would their homes.Cleaning supplies can be handed to the inmates and it can be their job to clean the showers. It should not be the responsibility of the prison staff to keep the facility clean, the inmates should be given duties and be held accountable or forced to live in the conditions they allow for themselves. Funds should not be taken from the taxpayers to pay someone to clean up after the inmates, the taxpayers’ funds could be used for security and building to prevent additional overcrowding. The problem with many jails and prisons today is the upkeep.Most facilities today do not have the funding to build a brand new facility but what needs to happen is to make the additions and upgrades more efficient. Replacing a furnace or air conditioning system for a place a huge as a prison could be extremely time consuming and expensive especially if the newer model is not the most efficient and then has to be replaced again and again prematurely. The best way to spend the taxpayers’ money is to buy the most energy efficient and best model and not replace it as often. As the age old saying, â€Å"you get what you pay for. The same goes for other materials when doing an addition or fixing an existing structure, the administrators need to take the time to research and see what the best materials are for longevity and spend money wisely (Lucas, R. , 2009, November/December).As Robert Lucas (2009) said, â€Å"Money spent well at the beginning of a project may save the facility from spending more in the future. † Like California, many other states have the â€Å"three strikes† rule and one of every nine of the inmates who are on their third strike get 25 to life sentence (H aerens, M. , 2010, May 15). This rule contributes to the vercrowding issue which an individual is taking up more space in jails and prisons. For example, if a person is charged three times with felony drug trafficking and is convicted that would be the third offence and would serve twenty-five year to life in jail. A violent offender, like a murderer, could that the place of that individual and rot in jail and make the community safer, it is the lesser of two evils. There are many factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding, funding, upkeep, three strikes rule, taxpayers not wanting to pass levees and the fact that so many people each year are incarcerated.Funding can be redirected if the upgrades were made more efficiently around the prisons. To help save money, inmates can do daily duties and have responsibilities around the prison and jail grounds. The three strikes rule needs to be revised to focus on violent crimes. Tax payers need to stop complaining about criminal s in the community unless they are willing to pass the levees to build jails and prisons to lessen the likelihood of overcrowding.References Boehm, D. P. , & Lampert, R. O. (2008, October). Thinking Outside the Cell: Expanding Safety and Security Beyond the Perimeter. Corrections Today, 70 (5). p. 4-61, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Diiulio, Jr. , J. (2010, March). Prison Breakout. America,202 (6). p. 11, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Haerens, M. (2010, May 15). California’s â€Å"Three Strikes† Law Is Fair. † Opposing Viewpoints: Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Lucas, R. (2009, November/December). To Build or Not To Build? American Jails,23 (5). p. 4&93, Retrieved from Criminal Justice Periodicals Index Resource Center. Sterngold, J. (2008, July/August). Worst of the Worst. Mother Jones, 33 (4). Prison Overcrowding This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. It will discuss how funding plays a role in overcrowding as well as the â€Å"three strikes† rule in California and how big of an impact it has made on the prison system.Lastly, society’s choice to vote will be touched on as how large of a determining factor it is in overcrowding prisons. State and Federal Prisons housed approximately 1. 3 million inmates in the year 2000, not to mention the jails had an estimate of 600,000 as well. Ten years previous the prisons housed 700,000 inmates and jails were at about 400,000. At that rate, the population of people being incarcerated almost doubled from 1. 1 million to 1. 9 million inmates. The last count in 2008 jumped again to an astonishing 2. million imprisoned within the country (Diiulio, Jr. , J. , 2010, March). Factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding is that so many people are incarcerated each year, funding, upkeep of a facility, the three strikes rule and tax payers are unwilling to pass levees. One of the largest reasons prisons are overcrowded today is that it is reported that one out of every 99. 1 adults are currently in prison or jail. This is the largest number in nation’s history and seven times the inmate rate from 1973.Amazingly ninety-five percent of prisoners are released back into communities to continue living their lives. They are not thrown to the wolves; they are released â€Å"with a basic education, job training and preparation, improved pro-social pattern of thinking, adequate life/social skills, and a lowered risk for substance abuse, anger and self esteem issues† (Boehm, D. P . , & Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). If an inmate needs continued treatment once released, they are provided the assistance and resources to make the transition as successful as possible.Even when a prisoner was on a psychotic medication when released they are hooked up with a regional mental health and substance abuse center to make their reentry as flourishing (Boehm, D. P. , & Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). At 157 percent capacity, San Quintin State Prison, a maximum security prison is no doubt overcrowded and it costs about $49,000 each year for an adult inmate to be housed in the San Quintin State Prison (Sterngold, J. , 2008, July/August). Taxpayers are unwilling to pass levees to build facilities to house prisoners which lead to an overcrowding prison.The criminal justice system needs to have stronger sentences for crimes to deter people from offending to begin with and not release inmates early due to overcrowding. Inmates are being released early because there are not e nough beds to hold all of the criminals. In the end it leads to a higher crime rate because the inmate’s count of being released early and they are not being reformed. A way to reduce funding problems is to have inmates take care of their own facilities like they would their homes.Cleaning supplies can be handed to the inmates and it can be their job to clean the showers. It should not be the responsibility of the prison staff to keep the facility clean, the inmates should be given duties and be held accountable or forced to live in the conditions they allow for themselves. Funds should not be taken from the taxpayers to pay someone to clean up after the inmates, the taxpayers’ funds could be used for security and building to prevent additional overcrowding. The problem with many jails and prisons today is the upkeep.Most facilities today do not have the funding to build a brand new facility but what needs to happen is to make the additions and upgrades more efficient. Replacing a furnace or air conditioning system for a place a huge as a prison could be extremely time consuming and expensive especially if the newer model is not the most efficient and then has to be replaced again and again prematurely. The best way to spend the taxpayers’ money is to buy the most energy efficient and best model and not replace it as often. As the age old saying, â€Å"you get what you pay for. The same goes for other materials when doing an addition or fixing an existing structure, the administrators need to take the time to research and see what the best materials are for longevity and spend money wisely (Lucas, R. , 2009, November/December).As Robert Lucas (2009) said, â€Å"Money spent well at the beginning of a project may save the facility from spending more in the future. † Like California, many other states have the â€Å"three strikes† rule and one of every nine of the inmates who are on their third strike get 25 to life sentence (H aerens, M. , 2010, May 15). This rule contributes to the vercrowding issue which an individual is taking up more space in jails and prisons. For example, if a person is charged three times with felony drug trafficking and is convicted that would be the third offence and would serve twenty-five year to life in jail. A violent offender, like a murderer, could that the place of that individual and rot in jail and make the community safer, it is the lesser of two evils. There are many factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding, funding, upkeep, three strikes rule, taxpayers not wanting to pass levees and the fact that so many people each year are incarcerated.Funding can be redirected if the upgrades were made more efficiently around the prisons. To help save money, inmates can do daily duties and have responsibilities around the prison and jail grounds. The three strikes rule needs to be revised to focus on violent crimes. Tax payers need to stop complaining about criminal s in the community unless they are willing to pass the levees to build jails and prisons to lessen the likelihood of overcrowding.References Boehm, D. P. , & Lampert, R. O. (2008, October). Thinking Outside the Cell: Expanding Safety and Security Beyond the Perimeter. Corrections Today, 70 (5). p. 4-61, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Diiulio, Jr. , J. (2010, March). Prison Breakout. America,202 (6). p. 11, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Haerens, M. (2010, May 15). California’s â€Å"Three Strikes† Law Is Fair. † Opposing Viewpoints: Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Lucas, R. (2009, November/December). To Build or Not To Build? American Jails,23 (5). p. 4&93, Retrieved from Criminal Justice Periodicals Index Resource Center. Sterngold, J. (2008, July/August). Worst of the Worst. Mother Jones, 33 (4).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Future of Policies and Programs for Older Adults Research Paper

Future of Policies and Programs for Older Adults - Research Paper Example More over, industrial revolution steered improved lifestyles involving America. For instance, Americans drifted to urban localities and life spun lengthened together with economic levels advanced by 1935 (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Consequently, advanced economies championed the necessitation of protection and hence stimulated the foundation of social security. Therefore, 1935 marks the drafting and execution of the Social security Act. This included an initiative championed by Roosevelt. Primarily, the act exempted substantial number of employees benefiting from the program. Besides, women and other minorities entailed their exemption from the program (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Therefore, well-off individuals benefited from the cover after retirement by 65 or so ages. Social security owes it establishment to the need to uphold retirees after hitting 65 years. In addition, the program concentrated on ascertaining reimbursements for employees that endured disability in their working course. Currently, the program serves substantial populations of the US populaces (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Statistical data exemplifies that the program benefits over 51 million persons and consumes around $ 650 billions. This includes benefits disseminated to minority groupings like the widows. In addition, widows may commence profiting from the programs when at 50. This expounds that social security renders support to such minority persons. Statistical data also unveils that social security risks benefitting  twice the number included in recent eras (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2008). Recent times engross persons at 65 years, whereas there entails plans to elevate the beneficiary’s timing to 70. Therefore, research explicates that the program would decrease benefits to 74%. This owes exonerations from the information that social security endures elevated costs during compensations. The program thus demands instigation of measures to ascertain reduced costs throughout its

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Human resources Case study analyze Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human resources analyze - Case Study Example Now it has often being seen that within this class to be involved with a conflict in normal life is quite a usual and regular job. So when people are coming from this level to any work place a little bit of behavioral effect will be reflected in the work environment also. As all these can affect the output of the company so the Human Resource department has to be very consciously and with lots of patience have to handle the situation. Each and every company has its own policy of how they want to set the rules and regulations regarding the performance assessment of any employee. But still it can happen that in some critical situation employees are to be judge on the basic of situational evidence and witnesses. Like in the situation of Jesse Stansky given in the case study. The complaint against him was he has been found as hitting one of his colleagues. Now this is a serious offence and this situation implies that he was trying to influence any other worked by force and fear. This kind of behavior is a serious offence for any organization. Though Jesse Stansky was working in that organization for many years and has contributed although not very remarkable but as an average employee. While judging this particular situation of Jesse Stansky along with the company policy, the employee handbook, and the labor agreement, the Human Resource department has to give emphasis about what other witness are saying about the situation. This is so because it is important to identify the reality of the situation and this can only be known if the description of the situation is been heard from other employee who was also present in that particular situation. In this particular case Jesse Stansky has been found in a situation with another technician named Gary Lindekin where Jesse was hitting Gary. And this has been observed by another technician who was present there. So for the Human Resource department it

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employment Law & Practices in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employment Law & Practices in the UK - Essay Example This paper will discuss terms implied at common law into a contract of employment and give an example. The second part will give advice on payment of holiday, working hours and working on holiday. 2. Part 1: Contract of employment. Employees and independent contractors are terms used in the contract of employment. An employee is a person who gives service in place of another in exchange for a salary. Independent contractors resemble employee’s contract but extend service to another. The employee enters into a contract of service while an independent contractor enters into a contract of services. The independent contractors are not entitled to workplace agreement, awards and standards. To differentiate contracts of employment, tests implied by common law are used to determine the relationship. The individual work of an employee and power, together with the command of the employer are assessed. Other tests include: who pays taxed income of the employee and who supplies the resou rces for work. Another test is if the employee can transfer the services to another employer or cause another contract. Lawyers determine if the employee can benefit or lose financially in the contract (Cabrelli, 2008, p. 7). An example is the case involving â€Å"Hollis Vs Vabu Pty Ltd in 2001† (Human rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 2001, p. 1), the court tested their relationship and saw that their relationship was a contract of employment. Vabu was in control and obtained revenues. Common law causes people to be responsible. It implies confidentiality, being skillful and careful at work. The employer should give a termination notice. The employee and employer should maintain good relations and adapt trust when they work together. Lawyers recommend a written employment contract to define terms of working relationship. New employees need to write a contract of employment so that they obtain specific information on their job description, job title and the relevant te rms of work. They will be aware of their expectation, and obtain information on how to exit incase the contract is no longer favorable. A written employment contract can help an employer retains a competent employee. The agreement on the length of time to serve the employer reduces the number of reasons an employee can chose to terminate a contract. The employee is able to retain the employees they have trained. Another advantage is that the employee becomes obligated to maintain confidentiality. The protection of the company secretes goes beyond the contract. The employee cannot reveal secretes of company which could cause unfair competition. An employment contract will get the best employees if they give the best deal (Honeyball, 2012). Moreover, an employment contract is a way of controlling the employees work. The written contract of employment gives specific details on compensation. Besides being used as evidence in disputes, the written agreement can be used to resolve argumen ts. The contact causes the employer and employee to create a good working relationship as Smith and Baker (2010, p. 66) mention. The challenge with the employment contract is the possibility of the employee being unable to accomplished tasks as agreed. Abrupt termination may not apply because of the agreed length of contract. The employer and employee may have to renegotiate their terms. This is because the funds may not be adequate and could cause financial constrain (Emir, 2012). Another disadvantage is that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Essay Questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Questions - Essay Example The religious paradigms and strong ethical and moral values are intrinsic to the academic curricula that motivate students towards academic integrity and empathy towards others. The value based education in PLNU is one of the most cherished factors that would help me to fulfill my long term goals of serving community with high degree of commitment and in promoting ethically delivered objectives and goals. In the current environment of fast paced life, the PLNU helps one to be grounded in the reality of human relationship that transcends social barriers of class, creed and region. The value based educational programs would hugely help to overcome the challenges of life. I believe that diversity is hugely important on the college campus mainly because the globalization has ushered in the multicultural society that includes people coming from diverse background of culture, race, color, class and nationality. Diversity within the campus would equip students with unmatched understanding of cross cultural values and help develop mutual respect and love. These would hugely help them in their professional lives when they are working across the globe and interact with people from different culture. (words:

Organizational structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational structure - Essay Example The present optimal organizational structure of the MH Company is not designed to complement the company’s plans for expanding their business internationally. With the present organizational structure, the Vice President of International Sales is ill equipped to meet the challenges of the global business environment primarily because macro environment elements significantly influence the market strategy for global business entities. Marketing comprises micro and macro economic factors. The micro economic factors like price, products etc. are directly under the control of the organizations and can be manipulated to suit the market conditions. The macro environment factors, on the other hand are elements that are external but have major impact on the industry performance: economic; demographic trend; changing socio-cultural paradigm; developing new environmental compulsions; advancing technology; and political environment of the region (Kotler et al, 2007). Sjostrand and Tyrstrup, in one of their article, have argued that managerial leadership needs to be approached as a relational, ongoing social construction process rather than as a single clear cut phenomenon (2001). Indeed, for any organization to expand and succeed, it is crucial that its people are recognized as vital part of its strategy and organizational goals and objectives be interpreted in the context of the changing paradigms of the times. Beardwell and Claydon have also asserted that the theoretical concept of human resource management needs to be looked from a wider perspective of providing the invaluable human capital that can meet the challenges of the rapid globalization and advancing technology. (Beardwell, Claydon, 2007). With the global competition becoming increasingly stiff, the jobs specifications are becoming less rigid and changing the overall perspective of job criteria and employment. The HR strategy needs to develop its unique organizational culture with well defined vision

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assignment#2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

#2 - Assignment Example An example is the brown eyes allele that is dominant over blue eye allele. An individual with both blue and brown eyes alleles would have brown eyes. The term describes an organism that has two different alleles for a certain trait at a specific locus. The two alleles are represented with the lower and upper case of the same letter. A good example is a plant with a pair of alleles that determine whether it would have smooth or serrated margin. The pair would be written as (Ss) to denote the different genetic information carried. This is the genetic make-up of an organism that describes the genetic information contained by alleles in the cells of the organism. A good example is a gene that would define an individual as vulnerable to a particular disease. The principle asserts that, allele pairs representing a certain trait in an organism separate during the formation of gametes and randomly unites after the process of fertilization. This is as based on the following proponents; a particular gene can exist in different forms, new organisms inherit a pair of alleles for each trait from parents, and meiosis result to cells where each acquire a single allele for a given trait. A pair of different alleles results to dominant and recessive alleles that are expressed differently phenotypically. A typical question is the color of seeds in peas. Formations of gametes lead to separation of alleles that determine color in the seeds. They randomly unite during fertilization. Seed color in the peas become a question of which allele is dominant; either the green color allele or yellow color allele. Yellow color allele is dominant over green color allele. Presence of both alleles in a pea results to yellow pees. (YY) and (Yy) genotypes result to y ellow seeds. (yy) genotype results to green peas. The principle states that, for genes located on different chromosomes,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pedophiles and Lack of Harsher Punishment Essay - 1

Pedophiles and Lack of Harsher Punishment - Essay Example Thus, for most people, the term pedophilia is not a legal term but a diagnostic one. Prosecutors and law enforcement in cases involving computers frequently use the word pedophilia (Borgeson and Kuehnle, 2010). Hall and Hall (2007) state that pedophilia is a clinical diagnosis generally made by a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is neither a legal nor criminal term like forcible sexual offense, and legal term id generally used in criminal statistics. There are laws that govern acts committed by pedophiles. One such law is the Megan’s law. However, it is difficult to estimate how the Megan’s law affects pedophiles. The definition of the term pedophilia does not allow the determination of whether the pedophilic individual is a sexual offender (a child molester) or not. It is important to note that not all pedophilic individuals are child molesters. An individual with any paraphilia condition can be legally involved in it through masturbation and fantasizing (Borgeson and Kuehnle, 2010). Punishments given to those who commit pedophilia usually vary. There are states where the punishment is harsher compared to other states. In regard to punishment, there is an ongoing debate on whether the punishment for those committing sexual assault crimes should be made harsher or not. However, majority of the people are of the opinion that harsher or tougher laws will reduce the occurrence of these crimes (CQ Press, 2006). Thus, punishments for those who have committed pedophilic crimes should be made harsher. Harsher punishment will reduce the rate of pedophilic crimes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the form of punishment given to sexual offenders such as pedophilic individuals and propose the punishments to be harsher or tougher. As stated before, experts are of the opinion that harsher punishment will reduce the incidences of sexual crimes. In some states, there are tests done to ascertain if the individual has really reformed before release from prison . In Texas, sixteen months before the release of an offender, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice can have the individual evaluated to know whether he is an SVP (sexually violent predator). If the individual is found to be an SVP, then he is eligible for treatment as an outpatient sex offender upon his release (Garib, 2011). The study is of great significance because the majority of the sex offenders are treated with blanket punishment, thus, they cause collateral consequences which develop more risk to the entire public (Hiller, 2011). Failure to treat pedophilic individuals and their release back to the society defeat the whole purpose of child protection. Despite the fact that experts are advocating for harsher punishments, there is a need for an individual to be treated before he is released to the society. This makes sure that the individual is fully reformed after he has served his sentence in prison and the risk of children being harmed is reduced. Literature Review A pe dophile and a child molester have been often confused by child abuse professionals, the media, and the general public. They regard pedophiles as all individuals who sexually victimize children. However, there is no uniform definition of the word pedophile. It is important to note that pedophilia is a psychiatric diagnosis done only by qualified psychiatrists or psychologists. Not all child molesters are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fish Linked to Lower Risk of Depression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fish Linked to Lower Risk of Depression - Essay Example This link was not present in studies conducted outside of Europe. To explain this, the writer quotes the study author Fang Li of Qingdao University in China who points out that this could be caused by the low number of participants in the study. This statement casts a serious doubt on the credibility of these studies. Scientific studies are perceived to be more accurate if they have a large amount of participants under study. The author of the article also points out the observational nature of the studies. It is noted that the studies did not discriminate on the types of fish consumed. Moreover, the studies could not draw a conclusion on the cause-and-effect relationship between fish consumption and the risk of depression. The amount of fish intake under study is not quantified; a lot of fish could mean different things to different people. To their credit, the researchers admit that more research must be undertaken in order to clearly understand the link between fish consumption an d depression.It is common for articles on health issues to carry a strong prejudice arising from the author’s personal opinion. Fortunately, the author of this article has ensured that they convey information as it is, despite the glaring loopholes in the actual studies and has made no attempt in persuading the reader in accepting any particular health ideations from the study. The author also makes it known that the study was published in a reputable journal; The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off Essay Example for Free

Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off Essay Suggestions have been raised over the child benefits in United States. For example, Iain Duncan Smith’s suggested that child-related benefits should be limited to two offspring in a family. The fight against the child benefits aren’t justified as they are ill treated. The move should be encouraged as it has helped a good number of the families in the country, in addition limiting the benefit to only a handful (two) children in a family, it doesn’t really play the intended role in the society. Contrary to this, the government should be encouraged to continue with the child benefits program as it has been a gain to a big number of families. Despite the need to have family planning aspects among the people to control the number of children at each family, the child benefit from the government should still remain (Liz, 2014). Child benefit or better still child allowance is a social security payment distributed to parents, children or guardians which highly dependent on the number of children in a family. the child benefit has been effective in helping to support children from less advantaged families which has enables them access essential human needs such a education, food and such. The anti- child benefit campaigns should be shunned as the move is more beneficial to a good number of people and children in the society. Scrubbing the project would land more families especially the poor ones which cannot afford human basic wants. In other words it is the cash expenditure to families with kids not considering their parents income. The advantage amount may vary by the ordinal arrangement of the child, the age of the child, and/or the employment status of the parent. In addition to being of great benefit to the families and children, the benefit helps with extra cost to the families on the extra cost of children. The benefit also includes benefits for women who are pregnant or who have just given birth. The benefits are also helpful to partners whose partners have given birth, people who adopt, tax credits among other benefits. The benefit is essential when one has a responsibility for a child or a young person. In addition to child benefit, there is also the child tax credit. The benefit is also intertwined with the guardians allowances as well as both are meant to help children below the age of 18. The redeployment of income from childless households to families with children, in appreciation of the heavier financial weight incurred by child-rearing (Liz, 2014). Moreover, in order to enjoy the benefits of the child benefit, the benefiting families aren’t required to contribute any national insurance contribution and this in turn comes as gain to the poor families. In addition, the benefit isn’t offered to children who might be under the custody or in prison. In case of child death that was on the child benefit plan, the benefits continue to be given to the family for the next eight weeks. However, despite the benefit behind the child benefit payment, families should be encouraged to practice family planning in order to be able to raise the number of children whom they can comfortably support. The move is however, beneficial in case of calamities such as misfortunes and unemployment’s incase of the parents (Liz, 2014). The child benefit has been beneficial and should be maintained in order to keep boosting the upbringing of the children especially in the financially unstable family. In addition, when the parents loose their jobs they still have the chance to provide for their children, such as food and education. The benefit for the program is numerous and they outweigh the downside of the program. This program is one of the government programs for the grants to the people which have gone miles in assisting less fortunate families financially. A good number countries offer higher benefits levels or supplements for children with disabilities. Family allowances and child benefits are viewed as an instrument that can foster societal cohesion and progress and in turn should be maintained. The benefits also help in strengthening labor force attachments in the country and hence shouldn’t be abolished. Last and not the least, the benefit helps in supplementing the incomes of poor and modest income families with children as a means of reducing or preventing poverty. In conclusion, it’s clear that, the child benefit program is more beneficial to community, and in turn should be maintained. This means the anti-child benefit campaigns should be shunned as the program is of great help to the people. Article (II) Student Behaviour One of the driving forces behind the motivation of teachers in the school is the student behaviours. Badly behaved students are subject to putting off their teachers from the teaching profession. Teachers and school staff understands the changes encountered by students in school and provides them with relevant information and support needed. However, the dedication of the teachers and the staff depends much on the student behaviour and in most cases good behaved students encourages their teachers into the teaching profession. Contrary to this, badly behaved students and teachers are a discouraging factor to the teachers as they put them off from the teaching profession. It is ‘however’ true the student behaviour plays an important role in motivating and maintaining teachers into the profession. The survey is a true reflection of the teachers experience and the parent’s negligence in moulding their children’s behaviour (Jessica, 2014). ‘Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off’ was a survey conducted by Guardian Teacher Networks which shows that a good number of teachers have once in awhile considered quitting the profession. Student and parent’s behaviour are essential towards the teacher’s performance in schools. A good number of schools have issues in reference to student behaviours in recent years, which have become a vital problem in modern society. One of factors behind poor student behaviours is collapse of family functions such as divorced family, single parenthood, and children becomes isolated. This in turn leads to bad behaviour among parents and/or students, which de-motivates the teachers. According to the survey, it is clear that, the student or the pupil’s behaviours directly influence the performance of the teachers. Bad behaviour among parents and pupils would negatively influence the teachers and in turn them off from the work. Students who develop behavioural problems from their families are a discouraging aspect to the teachers. It is believed that, pupils/learns important skills and knowledge such as morals and wisdom, which are normally learned from their parents. The survey shows that, the student behaviour is one of the driving factors behind motivated and dedicated teachers (Jessica, 2014). One of the effects of bad student behaviour is that it interferes with individual and other learner’s behaviour. This turns to a challenge for the teacher, as the behaviour challenges day to day running and functioning of schools. In addition, the parents are not helping as much as they would in eradicating negative student and pupils behaviours, hence burdening the work of the teachers purporting them to consider leaving their jobs. Nowadays, the parents have become overprotective to their children. This has not helped at all in taming negative children behaviours and in turn, the burden is left to the teacher to mould the children’s behaviour. For example, an overprotected child expects special treatment at school is in for a frustrating time, which in turn may frustrate the teacher too. The frustration may overwhelm the teacher to a point of making the job dissertation choice. In addition, parents have developed negative expectations for their children which in turn instill negative or unruly behavior in children. From the survey conducted, it’s clearly evident that, If unruly behavior is not policed with proper boundaries and a culture of respect for authority at home, teachers cannot effectively implement discipline in the classroom. In addition to negative learner’s behavior, the interference from the government demands of the teacher. 50 % of the interviewed teachers named poor pupil behavior as the main reason behind them leaving the teaching job. The unwanted student behavior influences teachers attitude towards the teaching profession, and if the unruly behavior continues, it may force the teachers to quit the teaching job. Attitude provides a frame for reference for an individual’s conduct and conditions behavior. The creation of unfavorable attitude to the teacher, elicits a reaction of avoidance or aggression towards the job or the learners (Jessica, 2014). In conclusion, it’s clear that, student and parents behavior towards the teachers as well as in the school plays a vital role in molding the teachers. The study reveals that, teacher’s motivation into teaching profession is highly dependent on the children or the learner’s behaviors. The parents are making the scenario worse by failing to support the teachers in the in order to change the learner’s negative behavior into acceptable ones. These demands and the stress accompanying the works force the teacher to quit. The survey, however suggests that since its is disruptive children whose behavior is unchecked who miss out the most on their education. Thats why we want to make sure that teachers have more freedom to clamp down on persistently bad behavior without being hampered by bureaucracy, so that teaching time is not lost because of poor behavior, and in turn prevent a stressing profession to the teachers. This would go miles in improving both the teach ers and students performance in the school. References Liz Jones. You dont pay for my cats so why should I pay for your kids? Retrieved from: On Tuesday 1 April 2014. Jessica Shepherd, ‘Badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off’ ’ badly behaved pupils and parents put teachers off: retrieved from On Tuesday 1 April 1, 2014. Source document

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court (Book Report) Essay Example for Free

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court (Book Report) Essay Mark Twain is often thought of as the most cynical writer in American literature. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court is perhaps one of greatest works. In this amusing story, Twain takes an American entrepreneur from his own day and age, and thrusts him back to the age of King Arthur. The novel is therefore about how a nineteenth-century American industrialist might act if he found himself in medieval England. Mark Twain sees the Industrial Age in which he lived as a rabid attempt to exploit everyone and everything. And, thats exactly what Hank Morgan, also known as the â€Å"Boss†, does when he gets to Camelot. Hank uses science and technology to exploit Camelot. Threatened with execution, Hank remembers that an eclipse is supposed to occur in the near future, and he uses this knowledge to convince King Arthur and the rest of Camelot that Hank is a stronger magician than Merlin. Once Hank gains King Arthurs trust, he is able to do whatever he wants with Camelot and its people. Hank quickly goes about improving Camelot with industries and technologies that are common to nineteenth-century America. One of his schemes is to invent soap and making it available to all of the people of Camelot (since the people didn’t bathe as frequently in the third-century as they did in the nineteenth). Hank is appalled at how much power that the Established Church has over the people. So he decides that the people need to be educated, which will, naturally, weaken the churchs hold. Of course, being an entrepreneur at heart, Hank cant help but look on Camelot as an opportunity for exploiting people with his superior knowledge. In a very memorable scene, Hank describes the religious devotions of many of the monks of the time as, a monk who expresses his devotion to God by bowing over and over again, all day long, without stopping. Rather than being impressed by the monks passionate display of faith, Hank notes the astounding amount of energy the monk puts out every day. Not to see this wasted, he hooks up a sewing machine to the monk, using his bowing motions to run the machine. In this manner Hank manufactures and sells garments as religious souvenirs, and tells the readerwith not a little satisfactionabout the wild success of these garments. Beyond Twains customary critiques on slavery and religion, the book also  offers a somewhat different brand of cynicism Twains critique of science and progress. When Hank Morgan arrives in Camelot, it is a fairy-tale city that has long represented both nobility and weaknesses. Then, in his quest to improve the city, he destroys it. Everything that defines the time from the smelly, unwashed people to their superstitions and religious fervor is exploited in the name of progress. Here, then, we see Hank Morgan as an expression of Twains dislike with the value of modern progress.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship Between Political Socialization And Political Culture Sociology Essay

Relationship Between Political Socialization And Political Culture Sociology Essay This paper has sought to identify the relationship between political socialization and political culture. We have succeeded in establishing that the way a child is socialized, and the environment definitely impacts on his political culture. It is a widely known and accepted fact that man is a social creature and his identity and culture are formed in the society from which he develops and almost all of his activities and functions are directed through the society; there are few human activities which are not affected by community. Topic: Define the concepts political culture and political socialization. How would political scientists describe the connection between political socialization and political culture? The term Political Culture means the attitudes, feelings, ideas, and values that people have about politics, government, and their own role, and more generally about authority in all its various forms (Munroe, 1985). Political culture has further been referred to as the beliefs, habits, behavioural patterns, values and overall distinguishing attributes that make up and characterize a political community. A political culture is the way in which the individuals within the social setting view their political system, the way in which they perceive it to function and the level of acceptance that pervades as a result. The political culture of a people is more than just their collective opinions, it is the way in which they choose to live as a result of their political beliefs, and it is the measure of what they are willing to accept, it guides they general thinking of a people (politically) and is somewhat steady in nature; i.e. the beliefs of the parents would more than likely be passed on to their offspring. Though the culture may be the same within in a society this does not in any way mean that the people would agree on the same issues or that what may be important to one individual would be important to another, it simply means that the way in which they choose to approach and deal with these issues would be in essence quite similar. Political culture usually means that they people have basically the same level of awareness of their rights, obligations and expectations as citizens. One must bear in mind also that Political culture varies from one country to another simply because the beliefs, feelings, attitudes and values of people vary. For example; the political culture of Grenada would be different from that of America or Japan for instance, just as it would vary between those two. One cannot understand the politics of a country without first looking at its political culture (Munroe, 1985). Political Socialization on the other hand is termed as the process whereby society develops attitudes and feelings towards politics in each of its members (Munroe, 1985). This basically means that political socialization is the process by which political culture is developed and maintained. It is what is taught to the people through their interactions with one another, through the media and through observation. Whereas Political culture deals with the collective, political socialization deals with the individual, it focusses on the upbringing of and interactions of the individual that result in the adherence to and acceptance of the political culture. Those groups and institutions which contribute to the process of political socialization are known as the agents of socialization. These sources affect the development of political values and attitudes differently, but they all contribute to the individuals understanding of and orientations toward politics. The primary agents of socialization are those that directly develop specific political orientations such as the family. Whereas, the secondary agents of socialization tend to be less personal and involved in the process of socialization in a more indirect manner such as the media (Wake Forest University, 2006). Political socialization has two distinguishing levels; these are primary and secondary. Primary socialization takes place through relationships with others, this is usually mostly informal relationships like peer groups, family members, social groups, etc. This form of influence is most often subliminal; the persons are usually unaware that they are being conditioned to think a certain way about their political system, situation and or standing. Individuals develop a basic attitude toward authority and power through this form of socialization and as a result this is what is emanated further in their political views and attitude towards politics. The secondary level of political socialization is more formal in nature and is found mostly in the wider social network. These range from schools, churches, media, political parties, social groups, etc. The way in which a person reacts to and interacts with their political system is heavily influences by what they hear and observe from others within their society. For example, depending on the religious beliefs of an individual their political views will be affected as such, depending on the influence of their instructors in school they will be affected, the influence of the media is a major factor in the ways an individual views the social system he operates in and so is the case for social groups and the policies and views pushed forth by political parties. Another major factor in political socialization is social status/standing; this has a major influence on the way in which a person would choose to deal with social issues, and the way in which they would try to influence policy. Demographics also play an important part in the way people respond to politics as their different situations are affects differently by their political system. A personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s race, gender, age, economic standing, country and education would have a significant effect on what they view as important to them and what they would like to be done for them through their political system. By looking at both these concepts we can see how they are directly intertwined and co-dependent on each other. Without political culture there would be no political socialization and without political socialization there would be no political culture. They work hand-in-hand to develop a political system in which everyone accepts the basic underworking of the way in which the political machine runs. Political Socialization forms political culture and political culture influences political socialization. Political socialization is part of the continuous process of social order which is responsible for teaching certain political behaviours to the new members of a society in order to make them think in keeping with the changing political system they are living in (Almond Verba, 1963). It appears that every society may succeed in maintaining its political culture through the process of political socialization; because by accessing cultural transfer channels of the society, the means to improving those set of values that contribute to the political stability and solidity of a society may be obtained (Verba, Schlozman, Brady, 1995). Through political socialization, an individual will take on a particular political personality which leads the individual to accepting a certain role in the framework of the political system. Accordingly, people knowingly adopt a certain status and position in the political structure of the society; a process which is completed by the family, school, mass media, government, political societies, parties, state organizations, local agencies, occupations, etc. (Ulzurrun, 2002).As Almond and Verba view it, political socialization is the process of maintaining or changing political cultures. Through political socialization people enter political culture and their orientations toward political objectives are formed (Almond Verba, 1963). This paper has sought to identify the relationship between political socialization and political culture. We have succeeded in establishing that the way a child is socialized, and the environment definitely impacts on his political culture. It is a widely known and accepted fact that man is a social creature and his identity and culture are formed in the society from which he develops and almost all of his activities and functions are directed through the society; there are few human activities which are not affected by community. Therefore, society is crucial for human beings because it is associated with their survival. In this regard, family plays the most important role in spreading socialization. The type relationship formed in family influences the early stages of childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s life and formation of their personality and thereby prepares them to abide by social norms and rules and to have a successful and effective presence in society. Parents are the first models for a child whose manner of treating others, conduct, culture, politics, norms and values are all formed in family environment. If a family fails to play its role in this respect, socialization will be impaired right from the start. To sum, one of the most important and effective factors influencing political culture is socializing different political subjects in families.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Opera Essay -- essays research papers fc

Imagine you are in a darkened theater and on stage are the actors. Behind the actors you can see the scenery. Down in front of the stage, in what is called the pit, is an orchestra and a conductor. As the orchestra plays, the actors on stage do not speak their lines they sing them! Opera is the combination of drama and music. Like drama, opera embraces the entire spectrum of theatrical elements: dialogue, acting, costumes, scenery and action, but it is the sum of all these elements, combined with music, which defines the art form called opera. Operatic dramas are usually serious, but there are several comic operas and funny scenes in tragic operas. The music is usually complicated and difficult to sing well. Only the most skillful singers can handle it. The cast is usually made up of main characters (the soloists) and a chorus (a group of singers who act as a crowd of people involved in the action of the plot). Some operas have scenes in which dancing is performed by a small ballet group. Operas usually begin with an overture - an introduction played by the orchestra alone. Once the curtain goes up, the soloists and chorus sing throughout most of the drama. Arias (songs sung by soloists) are the important points in an opera. In an aria, a character sings about his or her feelings and thoughts, or about what he or she is going to do. Between arias, the soloists may sing back and fourth to each other in a kind of musical discussion called recitatives. Besides singing arias, soloists often join together to sing duets, trios, quartets, quintets, or sextets at various points in the opera. The chorus usually has several songs to sing, either alone or with the soloists. The music follows the action and mood of the plot. Operas are usually performed in special buildings called opera houses. A choreographer creates the dances, and the chorus master rehearses the singers. The conductor leads the entire opera performance from his or her place in the pit. The soloists, chorus members and the dancers follow the directions of the conductor. The ancient Greeks blended drama and music, but opera as we know it today developed in Italy in the late 1500s. At first, the music was used mainly for background. However, by the end of the century, the drama and the music were equally important. The opera innovation inspired some of the biggest composers known today. In France, Je... ...); and Puccini’s Madame Butterfly (1904); to list just a few. Famous recording opera stars include Enrico Caruso, Maria Callas, Dame Joan Sutherland, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Plà ¡cido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, and Josà © Carreras. During the 400-year history of modern opera, there have been many improvements in the art of music drama. Throughout its history opera has exerted great influence on other forms of music. The symphony, for example, began as an instrumental introduction to 18th-century Italian opera. The cadenzas of violin and piano concertos emerged, in large part, from an attempt to replicate some of opera's vocal intensity. Opera will continue to be a dynamic art form. Bibliography Boynick, Matt. â€Å"Richard Wagner -List of Works by Genre and Title.†Richard Wagner. 1996 Feb. 1. Buckman, Jan H. J.S. â€Å"George Frederic Handel.† Handel Homepage. 2005 Jan. Kamien, Roger. Music: An Appreciation. New York, NY: 2004 Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Greatest Composers. New York: Pocket, 1993. Sturgeon, Theodore. "Opera." The Encyclopedia Americana. International ed. 1995.

Friday, July 19, 2019

View of the World From Different Ages :: English Literature Essays

View of the World From Different Ages In the story of the Bear the young boy was not allowed to join the hunt until he was ten years old. He was taught all the stories and heard all the legends of the great bear with the crooked print his entire childhood and he knew all about the great bear everyone always was talking about. As people grow older they are maturing in ways to prepare them for life and all of the hardest tasks that will be put in front of them. This boy was told many stories of the bear, some of them had extreme exaggeration, and others didn’t. All the stories he heard were to help him when his time came to face the bear. When the boy had his first chance to go out on a hunting trip with the men the first thing Sam told him was â€Å"Be scared, you cant help that, but don’t be afraid. Ain’t nothing in the woods going to hurt you unless you corner it, or it smells that you are afraid. A bear or a deer, too, has got to be scared of a coward the same as a brave man has got to be.†(793) At the age of ten he was ready to shoot the bear, and yet he never had the chance to see it, because the bear knew the boy was a coward at the time and the bear knew he would shoot him because the boy did not yet respect him as the more experienced hunters did. The boy felt the bear and this taught him even more than he already knew about it from the stories he had been told. â€Å"He realized for he first time that the bear which had run in his listening and loomed in his dreams since before he could remember to the contrary and which, therefore, must have existed in the listening and dreams of his f ather and Major de Spain and even old General Compson, too, before they began to remember in their turn, was a mortal animal, and that if they had departed for the camp each November without any actual hope of bringing its trophy back, it was not because it could not be slain, but because so far they had no actual hope too.†(791) These kinds of things are what he was constantly being told and not that he felt the presence of the bear he realized that they were all true.

Marilyn Hackers Mother-Daughter Relationship Exposed in Selected Poems

Marilyn Hacker's Mother-Daughter Relationship Exposed in Selected Poems 1965-1990 If Selected Poems 1965-1990 can be taken as an evenly representative sample of Marilyn Hacker's work, motherhood does not seem to be the single central focus of her life or her work. Hacker has quite a few poems about or for her daughter Iva, and Iva is mentioned in many other poems, yet much of Hacker's work focuses on other aspects of her life and interests. The fact that Hacker does not focus exclusively on her motherhood seems important in and of itself. Though I don't think that we get the opportunity, through these poems, to judge whether or not Hacker is a "good mother," I would say that her apparent ability to be simultaneously a mother and an artist and a lover and a daughter makes her a healthy, balanced individual and thus a good role model for her daughter. As illustration of my idea of Hacker's space for mothering, in "La Fontaine de Vaucluse" appear the following lines (p. 116) referring to Iva: Sometimes she still swims at my center; sometimes she is a four-year-old an ocean...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Accounting Profession

The workload of the office is measured 2 In terms of actual clients; rather than attempting to measured the firm In terms of the billing hours or dollars. Two individual clients serviced by the firm illustrate the complexity of coordinating the activities within one local, targeted firm within the region. One client Is an independent 011 and gas entrepreneur that operates over an expanded region which may involve operations in multi-states when exploration is active. A second client is a construction company that has crews operating in four states on a weekly basis..The required accounting and tax documents (paperwork) ND information change exponentially with the addition or deletion of new clients to the existing client list. A concurrent change is that of administering a database to ERM the tell to manage the required coordination between separate accountants working independently but for the same client. The firm's workforce is made up of two partners, one non-partner associate an d various other hourly personnel. The firm currently operates offices in two locations within a single state.The CPA Firm (CPA) partners recognized within the past several years that a paper intensive environment ad resulted in a firm-wide system that was in danger of collapse. One of the two partners, the senior partner, was assigned the specific task of developing policies related to two interrelated purposes involving the use of technology: (1) to improve the management of the processes and work (data) flow within the firm's system and (2) to undertake strategic planning to insure the firm's continued growth and success by improving cost efficiencies through better usage of technology.The research group (authors of the study) used the results of an interview of a partner of a repressions law firm (in a parallel study) using the nine milestones recommended by the SEARCH (the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics) during the literature review as a guide in dete rmining the strategic planning and implementation for a typical law firm within the Justice system in order to compare research results between two different, but similar, professional firms.The milestones permitted the research group to organize its findings in a manner that is consistent with other efforts within the Justice system (law firm) while also providing similar structure for a CPA that is governed by parallel expectations.However, since the law firm was a component of the Justice system the findings are grouped into fewer categories to allow the research group to structure the intent of the recommendations provided by SEARCH to a specific case study (of the CPA) regulated by professional, federal and state statutes/regulations to a professional law firm within a specific segment of the overall Judicial system yet regulated in a similar manner. Both types of professional firms have legal and ethical obligations to protect their clients' interests (manual and electronic do cuments, etc. 3 STRATEGIC DISASTER PLANNING The CPA notionally had a self-contained computer- based information system housed internally in one of the two branch offices of the firm. As growth of the client base grew and the firm expanded the firm added a part- time, consulting-in-nature IT support that continues today. Initially IT periodically backed up the firm's data on an infrequent basis that evolved into a routine practice over time. However, no firm backup policy or procedure existed; rather the IT staff simply implemented common sense and applied what experience had shown them was the service the firm needed.In short, simple use of backup tapes and disks as determined informally by the IT consultant as his time permitted. However, as the CPA continued to grow the partners began to informally create a plan for backup; however, the backup was still localized and stored at one of the firm's office where the primary IT operation was housed. The easy plan established and used wa s to store duplicate copies of computerized files in the same physical location where the master copies were located.Experience proved to be a lesson learned. The offices of the firm are located in an area of the U. S. That is prone to hurricanes. While the offices are not located on the coast hurricane damage NAS occurred within the elite to the firm and the original partners learned that offside storage of backup copies could prove to be a wise course of action in an area that has experienced hurricanes on a frequent basis. Thus a backup of computerized records with offside storage became the default plan for several years.The senior partner, upon being charged with the responsibility to improve the management of the processes and work (data) flow within the firm's system and to undertake strategic planning to insure the firm's intended growth and success by improving cost efficiencies through better usage of technology initiated planning by developing a firm wide identification o f technology needs, policies and procedures that would be necessary for the firm to successfully survive a natural disaster.This planning effort included charging the IT consultant with the responsibility to recommend changes in the computerized firm-wide system that would permit the daily backup of all databases and other files at remote sites including alternative network capabilities that could be used to resume email and there communication capabilities as quickly as possible if the main office location was down due to a natural disaster. The plan was to have alternatives that would permit the firm to resume and maintain operations from various sites within the U.S. If necessary. On no single date was the system to be backed up at only the main location by having the master and backup files physically located at the same system. The IT consultant recommendations were used by the senior partner to subsequently develop plans for the CPA which addressed the backup, relocation, secu rity, and covert in the areas of hardware, software, databases, and physical 4 structure or operational areas, and telecommunications-network links internal and external to the CPA.The IT staff was requested to provide the senior partner with suggested scenarios that would describe the cause and effect of actions (procedures) that the CPA should implement. Examples provided by the senior partner included the following: 0 Hardware – laptop computers were to be taken home (and subsequently to evacuation locations) by individuals the laptop was assigned to by the firm. All non-removable computers, etc. Were wrapped in heavy plastic for retention from wind and water damage (anything short of a direct destructive hit).The CPA buildings were to be secured to minimize the effect of wind and water debris and structural damage. 0 Software – All software programs, systems and applications, backed up and sent to offside locations in second firm office located another geographical region of the country. 0 Databases – all data backed up and copies moved to local and distant locations electronically and hardcopy. Two sets prepared and kept at two different locations locally and one set sent to an off-site location in Tennessee (and not in line for hurricane damage).Telecommunications- network – reviewed the backup contingency plans with vendor that was located in another geographic region to initial recovery efforts once the CPA and vendor could resume contact and after power and other utilities were restored. Partners of the CPA were obviously kept in the loop and were advised to carry identified hardware, software, and paper files to other locations (homes and perhaps subsequently to evacuation location areas outside to the disaster area). The partners supervised t transfer of items to the second CPA location (from one gulf coast state to an inland state overnight).August 26, 2005 the path of Hurricane Strain continued to indicate that the CPA likely would be within the projected landfall area and subsequent inland path of destruction. The increasing magnitude of the hurricane became obvious to the firm personnel and the disaster plan was set in motion. The plan identified those responsible for each of the planned areas of responsibility. When the decision was made by the partners-owners of the firm to implement the disaster plan there was approximately four hours remaining in the work week.CPA employees were already concerned for family and personal reporter and the firm began to allow employees to leave work early to tend to those needs. However, a core of employees – partners and one staff person remained to oversee the completion of disaster procedures. Who did what? When asked this question the senior partner stated that the partners did the activities related to insuring the hardware, software, databases, 5 telecommunication-network and structural preparations were completed as quickly as possible.He commente d that what most have to remember is that Hurricane Strain grew from a category 1 too category 4 or 5 within a very short timestamp. All disaster planning had been based on what disaster experiences in the past had shown would be probably. The IT consultant worked non-stop until the last items were relocated, secure, backed up and ended their efforts on Sunday, August 28th. The CPA partners at both locations dealt with the business end of the disaster plan implementation.Those tasks included : 0 Notifying clients and carriers the CPA was â€Å"battening down† and would be back in touch as soon as possible, 0 Arranging to have any imminent incoming checks re-routed to the off-site inland state location (for feet and operational banks), 0 Updating voice messages for the office, 0 Making final decisions about which paper (hard) copy file needed which level of protection (covered, uncovered, removed to another location, etc. , 0 Reviewing that all electronic (soft) copy were back ed up according to the plans to insure that copies were located in several locations locally and remote and the person responsible for each copy, Providing phone contact lists for all employees and giving out partner information to all employees (who had already been sent home to deal with personal and family assister preparations), and 0 Checking insurance policy coverage (and later following through [for example, business interruption insurance has been troublesome]).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hadith of Gabriel Essay

Our morality leaps us the understanding to do whats best non only for ourselves but for the full neighborhood that we belong as well. It serves as our draw to the path of wonderful thoughts and b right on actions which get out come to well-situated to the personality that we hold as of the moment. What will exist inwardly our persona was the ultimate contribution of what our religion has thought us. In this regard, we could possibly speak that Islam has been iodine of the wide contributions in this beat and age.It depicts a very near(a) intelligence of accountability which could help to augment the constitution that we construct within ourselves. The teachings of the Quran emphasize the business of the man-to-man to society and of society to individual (Bloomington, 2002, p. 262), as we have noned, Quran serves as our lookout to the right path and ultimately provokes us to realize what argon the best things that we could fit in order to live in the light of I slamic thoughts and slipway.It has been said that it entails a colossal debt instrument as we pick out a grip on its teachings substanti wholey for the reason that it is not self center and it focuses on the proliferation of the entire realm. One commode attain absolute satisfaction if his surround goes with it meaning the society where you are presently into should goes hand in hand with the sober thoughts that you believe in, and this was essentially what Islam treasured to realize in its people. Take for instance the responsibility of settleing zakat wherein people are reconcile to pay regularly which in bring the poor will benefit such.Indeed, not all are convinced that they should pay such zakat and instead, they prefer to just give alms to the less(prenominal) fortunate wholeheartedly. In go steady of which, what the Quran has embarked to its people was the gesture that at every rate we should kip down our neighbors regardless of their situation in life. T his positive vibe should be taken into consideration because this is one of the great teachings of the Islamic religion. Similarly, what were epitomized in the Hadith of Gabriel were the conceptive foundations of the religion of Islam.It embarks the five pillars per se of Islam which was considered as its affectionate foundation. Islam is to testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, to work out the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadan, and to oblige the pilgrimage to the House (Tauris, 1996, based on translation found at www. salaam. co. uk). ledger entry of oneself to Allah was the ultimate ladder to Islamic beliefs. believe in His ultimate powers was the key to having a strong faith in His teachings.He is the one who could deliver happiness to the entire realm as we follow His ways to the right arena of life. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger. This strong bail bond of faith delivers us to be tiro with the g ood ideals of truly believing and outset our hearts to do good deeds in accordance to the light of Allah. Furthermore, as we established our ways in crystallizeographic point of the teachings of Allah, everything is expected to proliferate for the fact that it has been point by the almighty Allah. Performing prayers was too one of the foundations of Islam.Praying not only limits us to chant or even congratulations Allah, but it derives us a huge sense of establishing our faith and continuously have in mind all the worthiness that the religion of Islam embarked within us. The discipline of praying and get focus was one of the great ways to build our personality that Allah believes to be essential in building the eccentric of a person. Pay the zakat and give alms to the poor was one of the highlights of being a good person, and for that publication a renowned follower of Allahs teachings.Loving our neighbor was on top of everything because this is the moment in our lives t hat we are limit to appreciate all the goodness that our fellowman toilet give us. In every unforesightful way that we could offer love was highly a huge responsibility to the character that we have within and this only proves that we are absolutely enlightened by the will of Allah. In addition to this, this is also a good representation how we truly gain His teachings as we put into actions all the wisdom that He has given us. Paying zakat alone gives a tremendous impact since as we all knew this will benefit our less fortunate fellowmen.Giving alms to the poor was some other context of charitable acts which will deal out the kind of responsibility and love that Allah wanted us to deliver. To fast in Ramadan as well as pilgrimage to Mecca was other context of what Allah thought us what responsibility was all about. In this regard, this is an immense conscientiousness for us because fasting was a sanctify of definitive adherence to faith and sideline ways of Islam. Indeed , doing what is good is the way to Allahs teachings. His wonderful intentions of making His people compose conscious of the good deeds were basically His best ideals.On our part, we just have to incessantly trust His ways and lapse on loving our fellowmen since it is the focus of all Allahs ways. We can truly get to the realm that we are into the best feasible way with the guidance of Allah. The foundations of Islam were a good representation on how we could act the right way. The Hadith of Gabriel shed us light to be able to realize how satisfying the foundation of Islam was and truly it guides us to be a better person with strong adherence to our faith and has intense love for our fellowmen.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Executive SummaryMobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today how that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform click all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop.You get your product to begin with.The english major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college easy going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time.This is different from male portable radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, o ther survey shows that second one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.Finding the demographics of your target marketplace will permit you to good tailor the launch strategy to the folks.

180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd wired and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced  and accessed generation in the human history.A merchandise is a new product procured or produced by the business to meet with the requirements of the customer.Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make few more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking extract from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories.Marketing ResearchMethods of Data collection:Basically there are two methods of data collection:1) Primary Data2) Secondary DataPrimary Data Collection:Primary available Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different many friends and family members and also many strangers.Secondary Data Collection:Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material.The aim is getting your product into the industry although delivery methods vary widely based on the product.

In other words, the market we are making is new from where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps logical and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios deeds that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of static mobile phones.The ProductIntroduction of product:Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices.A superb product isnt simple to define since itll mean things.Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product:This gross product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to many more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of gross product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier good for people to wear and increase the range of our target market.To start with, youre mindful of how much it costs to create your merchandise.

Issue: How to identify the potential outlets?Mission statement:â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological more flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.† Vision statement:â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition:â€Å"We manufacture earrings local radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition:â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect curious blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target MarketMoby X will form a major share of its domestic market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design.Describe the way your target marketplace free will get your merchandise and also how youll market your goods.The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products.Positioning†¢Product Positioning:Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, good will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that various forms our distinctive attribute.Value Proposition:Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different letter from other competing products.  LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable.In the product description, you should explain what product or your service is, the particular thrust of apply your strategy and the strategies thatll be used to do your own objectives.

†¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the first demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product.†¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered.†¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and only difference spread amongst customers.Market AnalysisBasis of SegmentationDemographic segmentation:Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of little special interest to market executives.In the end, it is not mysterious and youll be able position to promote your company or to manage a person to deal with advertising for you once you understand how pieces fit together.Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this productPsychographic Segmentation:The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by r eviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation:Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their automatic segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio logical and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player great but also as a fashion accessory.The plan has to be accessible to any employee at any given moment.

Proper awareness about the product logical and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people.Technological:Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and further development will assist in improving the product’s functionality.Competitor AssessmentCOMPETITOR ANALYSISMoby X is competing in portable media industry.Major Competitors:Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in logical and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality.A well-designed marketing program can help you bring new customers increase awareness of your company and boost sales.COMPETITIVE STRATEGIESDifferentiation:Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of classical music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face.Focus:Moby X is designed especially unlooked for upper middl e class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters.COMPETITIVE POSITIONMultiple Markets:We what are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle social class of the society.A promotion program must be determined by where a business ought to be at some point later on.

Since our product is new we great need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product.Marketing StrategyMARKETING MIXPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a own specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity.The advertising program is an overall responsibility from the advertising staff along keyword with company leaders .It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to fair share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater based its customers for solving all  their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available.Face it is a chore.

3 years (Limited) Warranty.Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the low weight of the earring radio.Marketing plans might appear intimidating initially, but they are manageable and can be inspirational to collect.BRANDINGBrand Equity:Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of new its good quality and better understanding of customer needs.Brand Name Selection:Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to around carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we  provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory).Brand Sponsorship:LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand.Brand Development:No extension.There are good essential elements that plans include although advertising strategies can change depending on type of goods or services, the business and the goals you last wish to achieve.

Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix:Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of first time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets.Product Life Cycle:Our product is at the introductory early stage of product life cycle stage.PRICEMarketing Objectives:â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy:The price has been decided based on the competitors logical and customer needs and requirements.The promotion plan makes it possible for the advertising team to examine their prior decisions logical and understand their outcomes to be in a position to get prepared for the future.PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGYComparing competitor’s pricingCompetitorPriceSinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93FM Mini Radios Rs.719.3500.PLACEMENTThe product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value.

Newspaper:Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing  a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes.Since it is a fashion product also magazines such like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product.Billboards:The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are cell all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets how are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other foreign markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads t o Jinnah International that special offers all the latest songs.Sales Promotion:One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product.Public relations:Brochures providing details of the safety of wood using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product.August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other flat major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad.September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students.